Longo Vezo

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Whales in Madagascar

Each year, from July to September, humpback whales come back from the southern seas to mate and calve on the southwest coasts of Madagascar. A daily show, impressive, very close to the Anakao coasts, just behind the Nosy Ve island. This annual migration allows the close observation of this species without disturbing them.

When they want to play, the show becomes magical… Often, on calm weather, they perform spectacular jumps out of water that their long pectoral fins (up to one third of their body length) make even more impressive.

The humpback whales can reach up to 15 meter and weigh several tens of tons. They are easily recognizable: the top of their body is black whereas the underside is rather whitish. Their head and jaw are covered with small protuberances called tubers, typical of this species. The females are bigger than males. They breed every two to three years and the gestation period lasts 11 months. The calf, about 4-meter long at birth, is breast-fed by its mother for 6 months before progressively starting to feed itself. The humpback whale feeds itself only during austral summer and spends winter drawing down on its fat reserves.

The Longo Vezo boats will safely take you admire the whales in keeping with the tranquility of these protected mammals. Do not forget your camera because this moment will remain one of your best holiday memories!

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